typedef SpaceND< 3, Integer > | Space |
typedef Space | Z3 |
typedef KhalimskySpaceND< 3, Integer > | KSpace |
typedef KSpace | K3 |
typedef KhalimskyPreSpaceND< 3, Integer > | KPreSpace |
typedef KPreSpace | KP3 |
typedef MetricAdjacency< Space, 1 > | Adj6 |
typedef MetricAdjacency< Space, 2 > | Adj18 |
typedef MetricAdjacency< Space, 3 > | Adj26 |
typedef DigitalTopology< Adj6, Adj18 > | DT6_18 |
typedef DigitalTopology< Adj18, Adj6 > | DT18_6 |
typedef DigitalTopology< Adj6, Adj26 > | DT6_26 |
typedef DigitalTopology< Adj26, Adj6 > | DT26_6 |
typedef DigitalSetSelector< Domain, BIG_DS+HIGH_BEL_DS >::Type | DigitalSet |
typedef Object< DT6_18, DigitalSet > | Object6_18 |
typedef Object< DT6_18, DigitalSet >::ComplementObject | ComplementObject6_18 |
typedef Object< DT6_18, DigitalSet >::SmallObject | SmallObject6_18 |
typedef Object< DT6_18, DigitalSet >::SmallComplementObject | SmallComplementObject6_18 |
typedef Object< DT18_6, DigitalSet > | Object18_6 |
typedef Object< DT18_6, DigitalSet >::ComplementObject | ComplementObject18_6 |
typedef Object< DT18_6, DigitalSet >::SmallObject | SmallObject18_6 |
typedef Object< DT18_6, DigitalSet >::SmallComplementObject | SmallComplementObject18_6 |
typedef Object< DT6_26, DigitalSet > | Object6_26 |
typedef Object< DT6_26, DigitalSet >::ComplementObject | ComplementObject6_26 |
typedef Object< DT6_26, DigitalSet >::SmallObject | SmallObject6_26 |
typedef Object< DT6_26, DigitalSet >::SmallComplementObject | SmallComplementObject6_26 |
typedef Object< DT26_6, DigitalSet > | Object26_6 |
typedef Object< DT26_6, DigitalSet >::ComplementObject | ComplementObject26_6 |
typedef Object< DT26_6, DigitalSet >::SmallObject | SmallObject26_6 |
typedef Object< DT26_6, DigitalSet >::SmallComplementObject | SmallComplementObject26_6 |
typedef ExactPredicateLpSeparableMetric< Space, 2 > | L2Metric |
typedef ExactPredicateLpSeparableMetric< Space, 1 > | L1Metric |
typedef ExactPredicateLpPowerSeparableMetric< Space, 2 > | L2PowerMetric |
typedef ExactPredicateLpPowerSeparableMetric< Space, 1 > | L1PowerMetric |
this namespace gathers the standard of types for 3D imagery.
This namespacef gathers all standard type definitions as well as some static instances for using a 3D digital space with integers represented by 'int'. It is useful for a developer who wants to develop an application in the 3D plane and who does not wish to tune specifically the possible types.
This is the standard set of types for 3D imagery.
- Todo
- Once stabilized, provide a Z3l (for int64) and a Z3I (for arbitrary integers).