DGtal 1.4.2
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DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger > Class Template Reference

Aim: This class is a model of CPreCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex, whose cells are defined as an array of integers. The topology of the cells is defined by the parity of the coordinates (even: closed, odd: open). More...

#include <DGtal/topology/KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h>

Data Structures

struct  AnyCellCollection
struct  CellMap
struct  SCellMap
struct  SurfelMap

Public Types

using Integer = TInteger
 Arithmetic ring induced by (+,-,*) and Integer numbers.
using Cell = KhalimskyPreCell< dim, Integer >
using SCell = SignedKhalimskyPreCell< dim, Integer >
using Surfel = SCell
using Sign = bool
using DirIterator = PreCellDirectionIterator< dim, Integer >
using Point = PointVector< dim, Integer >
using Vector = PointVector< dim, Integer >
using Space = SpaceND<dim, Integer>
using PreCellularGridSpace = KhalimskyPreSpaceND<dim, Integer>
using Cells = AnyCellCollection<Cell>
using SCells = AnyCellCollection<SCell>
using CellSet = std::set<Cell>
 Preferred type for defining a set of Cell(s).
using SCellSet = std::set<SCell>
 Preferred type for defining a set of SCell(s).
using SurfelSet = std::set<SCell>
 Preferred type for defining a set of surfels (always signed cells).

Static Public Member Functions

Pre-cell creation services (static methods)
static Cell uCell (const Point &kp)
 From the Khalimsky coordinates of a cell, builds the corresponding unsigned pre-cell.
static Cell uCell (Point p, const Cell &c)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn and a cell type, builds the corresponding unsigned pre-cell.
static SCell sCell (const Point &kp, Sign sign=POS)
 From the Khalimsky coordinates of a cell and a sign, builds the corresponding signed pre-cell.
static SCell sCell (Point p, const SCell &c)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn and a signed cell type, builds the corresponding signed pre-cell.
static Cell uSpel (Point p)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-spel (pre-cell of maximal dimension).
static SCell sSpel (Point p, Sign sign=POS)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-spel (pre-cell of maximal dimension).
static Cell uPointel (Point p)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-pointel (pre-cell of dimension 0).
static SCell sPointel (Point p, Sign sign=POS)
 From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-pointel (pre-cell of dimension 0).
Read accessors to pre-cells
static Integer uKCoord (const Cell &c, Dimension k)
 Return its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].
static Integer uCoord (const Cell &c, Dimension k)
 Return its digital coordinate along [k].
static const PointuKCoords (const Cell &c)
 Return its Khalimsky coordinates.
static Point uCoords (const Cell &c)
 Return its digital coordinates.
static Integer sKCoord (const SCell &c, Dimension k)
 Return its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].
static Integer sCoord (const SCell &c, Dimension k)
 Return its digital coordinate along [k].
static const PointsKCoords (const SCell &c)
 Return its Khalimsky coordinates.
static Point sCoords (const SCell &c)
 Return its digital coordinates.
static Sign sSign (const SCell &c)
 Return its sign.
Write accessors to pre-cells
static void uSetKCoord (Cell &c, Dimension k, Integer i)
 Sets the [k]-th Khalimsky coordinate of [c] to [i].
static void sSetKCoord (SCell &c, Dimension k, Integer i)
 Sets the [k]-th Khalimsky coordinate of [c] to [i].
static void uSetCoord (Cell &c, Dimension k, Integer i)
 Sets the [k]-th digital coordinate of [c] to [i].
static void sSetCoord (SCell &c, Dimension k, Integer i)
 Sets the [k]-th digital coordinate of [c] to [i].
static void uSetKCoords (Cell &c, const Point &kp)
 Sets the Khalimsky coordinates of [c] to [kp].
static void sSetKCoords (SCell &c, const Point &kp)
 Sets the Khalimsky coordinates of [c] to [kp].
static void uSetCoords (Cell &c, const Point &kp)
 Sets the digital coordinates of [c] to [kp].
static void sSetCoords (SCell &c, const Point &kp)
 Sets the digital coordinates of [c] to [kp].
static void sSetSign (SCell &c, Sign s)
 Sets the sign of the pre-cell.
Conversion signed/unsigned
static SCell signs (const Cell &p, Sign s)
 Creates a signed pre-cell from an unsigned one and a given sign.
static Cell unsigns (const SCell &p)
 Creates an unsigned pre-cell from a signed one.
static SCell sOpp (const SCell &p)
 Creates the signed pre-cell with the inverse sign of [p].
Pre-cell topology services
static Integer uTopology (const Cell &p)
 Return the topology word of [p].
static Integer sTopology (const SCell &p)
 Return the topology word of [p].
static Dimension uDim (const Cell &p)
 Return the dimension of the pre-cell [p].
static Dimension sDim (const SCell &p)
 Return the dimension of the pre-cell [p].
static bool uIsSurfel (const Cell &b)
 Return 'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).
static bool sIsSurfel (const SCell &b)
 Return 'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).
static bool uIsOpen (const Cell &p, Dimension k)
 Return 'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].
static bool sIsOpen (const SCell &p, Dimension k)
 Return 'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].
Iterator services for cells
static DirIterator uDirs (const Cell &p)
 Given an unsigned pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell spans. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).
static DirIterator sDirs (const SCell &p)
 Given a signed pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell spans. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).
static DirIterator uOrthDirs (const Cell &p)
 Given an unsigned pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell does not span. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).
static DirIterator sOrthDirs (const SCell &p)
 Given a signed pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell does not span. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).
static Dimension uOrthDir (const Cell &s)
 Given an unsigned pre-surfel [s], returns its orthogonal direction (ie, the coordinate where the surfel is closed).
static Dimension sOrthDir (const SCell &s)
 Given a signed pre-surfel [s], returns its orthogonal direction (ie, the coordinate where the surfel is closed).
Unsigned pre-cell geometry services
static Cell uGetIncr (Cell p, Dimension k)
 Return the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].
static bool uIsMax (const Cell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static bool uIsInside (const Cell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static bool uIsInside (const Cell &p)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static Cell uGetDecr (Cell p, Dimension k)
 Return the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].
static bool uIsMin (const Cell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static Cell uGetAdd (Cell p, Dimension k, Integer x)
 Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.
static Cell uGetSub (Cell p, Dimension k, Integer x)
 Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.
static Cell uTranslation (Cell p, const Vector &vec)
 Add the vector [vec] to [p].
static Cell uProjection (Cell p, const Cell &bound, Dimension k)
 Return the projection of [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].
static void uProject (Cell &p, const Cell &bound, Dimension k)
 Projects [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].
static bool uNext (Cell &p, const Cell &lower, const Cell &upper)
 Increment the pre-cell [p] to its next position (as classically done in a scanning).
Signed pre-cell geometry services
static SCell sGetIncr (SCell p, Dimension k)
 Return the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].
static bool sIsMax (const SCell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static bool sIsInside (const SCell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static bool sIsInside (const SCell &p)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static SCell sGetDecr (SCell p, Dimension k)
 Return the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].
static bool sIsMin (const SCell &p, Dimension k)
 Useful to check if you are going out of the space.
static SCell sGetAdd (SCell p, Dimension k, Integer x)
 Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.
static SCell sGetSub (SCell p, Dimension k, Integer x)
 Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.
static SCell sTranslation (SCell p, const Vector &vec)
 Add the vector [vec] to [p].
static SCell sProjection (SCell p, const SCell &bound, Dimension k)
 Return the projection of [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].
static void sProject (SCell &p, const SCell &bound, Dimension k)
 Projects [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].
static bool sNext (SCell &p, const SCell &lower, const SCell &upper)
 Increment the pre-cell [p] to its next position (as classically done in a scanning).
Neighborhood services
static Cells uNeighborhood (const Cell &cell)
 Computes the 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.
static SCells sNeighborhood (const SCell &cell)
 Computes the 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.
static Cells uProperNeighborhood (const Cell &cell)
 Computes the proper 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.
static SCells sProperNeighborhood (const SCell &cell)
 Computes the proper 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.
static Cell uAdjacent (const Cell &p, Dimension k, bool up)
 Return the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.
static SCell sAdjacent (const SCell &p, Dimension k, bool up)
 Return the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.
Incidence services
static Cell uIncident (Cell c, Dimension k, bool up)
 Return the forward or backward unsigned pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up].
static SCell sIncident (SCell c, Dimension k, bool up)
 Return the forward or backward signed pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up].
static Cells uLowerIncident (const Cell &c)
 Return the pre-cells directly low incident to c.
static Cells uUpperIncident (const Cell &c)
 Return the pre-cells directly up incident to c.
static SCells sLowerIncident (const SCell &c)
 Return the signed pre-cells directly low incident to c.
static SCells sUpperIncident (const SCell &c)
 Return the signed pre-cells directly up incident to c.
static Cells uFaces (const Cell &c)
 Return the proper faces of [c] (chain of lower incidence).
static Cells uCoFaces (const Cell &c)
 Return the proper cofaces of [c] (chain of upper incidence).
static bool sDirect (const SCell &p, Dimension k)
 Return 'true' if the direct orientation of [p] along [k] is in the positive coordinate direction.
static SCell sDirectIncident (SCell p, Dimension k)
 Return the direct incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident pre-cell along [k])
static SCell sIndirectIncident (SCell p, Dimension k)
 Return the indirect incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident cell along [k] whose sign is negative).
static Point interiorVoxel (const SCell &c)
 For a given surfel ((n-1)-signed cell), returns its interior voxel (point in Z^d given by the direct incident n-cell to the given cell).
static Point exteriorVoxel (const SCell &c)
 For a given surfel ((n-1)-signed cell), returns its exterior voxel (point in Z^d given by the indirect incident n-cell to the given cell).
DGtal interface
static void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out)
 Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.
static constexpr bool isValid ()
 Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr const Dimension dimension = dim
static constexpr const Dimension DIM = dim
static constexpr const Sign POS = true
static constexpr const Sign NEG = false

Private Member Functions

 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CInteger< TInteger >))
 Integer must be signed to characterize a ring.

Static Private Member Functions

static void uAddFaces (Cells &faces, const Cell &c, Dimension axis)
 Used by uFaces for computing incident faces.
static void uAddCoFaces (Cells &cofaces, const Cell &c, Dimension axis)
 Used by uCoFaces for computing incident cofaces.

Detailed Description

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger>
class DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >

Aim: This class is a model of CPreCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex, whose cells are defined as an array of integers. The topology of the cells is defined by the parity of the coordinates (even: closed, odd: open).

Description of template class 'KhalimskyPreSpaceND'

This cellular grid space has no bounds (depending on the Integer type) and thus only provides static methods.

Template Parameters
dimthe dimension of the digital space.
TIntegerthe Integer class used to specify the arithmetic computations (default type = int32).
Essentially a backport from ImaGene.
See also

Definition at line 378 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Cell

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Cell = KhalimskyPreCell< dim, Integer >

Definition at line 388 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Cells

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Cells = AnyCellCollection<Cell>

Definition at line 417 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ CellSet

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::CellSet = std::set<Cell>

Preferred type for defining a set of Cell(s).

Definition at line 422 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ DirIterator

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::DirIterator = PreCellDirectionIterator< dim, Integer >

Definition at line 393 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Integer

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Integer = TInteger

Arithmetic ring induced by (+,-,*) and Integer numbers.

Definition at line 385 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Point

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Point = PointVector< dim, Integer >

Definition at line 396 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ PreCellularGridSpace

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::PreCellularGridSpace = KhalimskyPreSpaceND<dim, Integer>

Definition at line 400 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ SCell

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::SCell = SignedKhalimskyPreCell< dim, Integer >

Definition at line 389 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ SCells

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::SCells = AnyCellCollection<SCell>

Definition at line 418 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ SCellSet

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::SCellSet = std::set<SCell>

Preferred type for defining a set of SCell(s).

Definition at line 425 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Sign

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Sign = bool

Definition at line 392 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Space

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Space = SpaceND<dim, Integer>

Definition at line 399 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Surfel

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Surfel = SCell

Definition at line 391 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ SurfelSet

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::SurfelSet = std::set<SCell>

Preferred type for defining a set of surfels (always signed cells).

Definition at line 428 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ Vector

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
using DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::Vector = PointVector< dim, Integer >

Definition at line 397 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

Member Function Documentation


template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CInteger< TInteger >) )

Integer must be signed to characterize a ring.

◆ exteriorVoxel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Point DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::exteriorVoxel ( const SCell & c)

For a given surfel ((n-1)-signed cell), returns its exterior voxel (point in Z^d given by the indirect incident n-cell to the given cell).

cany signed pre-cell.
the outer voxel.

◆ interiorVoxel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Point DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::interiorVoxel ( const SCell & c)

For a given surfel ((n-1)-signed cell), returns its interior voxel (point in Z^d given by the direct incident n-cell to the given cell).

cany signed pre-cell.
the inner voxel.

◆ isValid()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static constexpr bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::isValid ( )

Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

'true' if the object is valid, 'false' otherwise.

◆ sAdjacent()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sAdjacent ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k,
bool up )

Return the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
upif 'true' the orientation is forward along axis [k], otherwise backward.
the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.
It is an alias to 'up ? sGetIncr( p, k ) : sGetDecr( p, k )'.

◆ sCell() [1/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sCell ( const Point & kp,
Sign sign = POS )

From the Khalimsky coordinates of a cell and a sign, builds the corresponding signed pre-cell.

kpan integer point (Khalimsky coordinates of cell).
signthe sign of the cell (either POS or NEG).
the signed pre-cell.

◆ sCell() [2/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sCell ( Point p,
const SCell & c )

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn and a signed cell type, builds the corresponding signed pre-cell.

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
canother cell defining the topology and sign.
the pre-cell having the topology and sign of [c] and the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ sCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sCoord ( const SCell & c,
Dimension k )

Return its digital coordinate along [k].

cany signed pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
its digital coordinate along [k].

◆ sCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Point DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sCoords ( const SCell & c)

Return its digital coordinates.

cany signed pre-cell.
its digital coordinates.

◆ sDim()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sDim ( const SCell & p)

Return the dimension of the pre-cell [p].

pany signed pre-cell.
the dimension of the pre-cell [p].

◆ sDirect()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sDirect ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k )

Return 'true' if the direct orientation of [p] along [k] is in the positive coordinate direction.

The direct orientation in a direction allows to go from positive incident pre-cells to positive incident pre-cells. This means that

KPreSpace::sSign( KPreSpace::sIncident( p, k, KPreSpace::sDirect( p, k ) ) ) == KPreSpace::POS

is always true.

pany signed pre-cell.
kany coordinate.
the direct orientation of [p] along [k] (true is upward, false is backward).

◆ sDirectIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sDirectIncident ( SCell p,
Dimension k )

Return the direct incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident pre-cell along [k])

pany signed pre-cell.
kany coordinate.
the direct incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident pre-cell along [k])

◆ sDirs()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static DirIterator DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sDirs ( const SCell & p)

Given a signed pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell spans. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).


KPreSpace::SCell p;
for ( auto q = KPreSpace::uDirs( p ); q != 0; ++q )
Dimension dir = *q;
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition Common.h:136
pany signed pre-cell.
an iterator that points on the first coordinate spanned by the pre-cell.

◆ selfDisplay()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out)

Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.

outthe output stream where the object is written.

◆ sGetAdd()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sGetAdd ( SCell p,
Dimension k,
Integer x )

Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
xthe increment.
the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.

◆ sGetDecr()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sGetDecr ( SCell p,
Dimension k )

Return the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].

◆ sGetIncr()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sGetIncr ( SCell p,
Dimension k )

Return the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].

◆ sGetSub()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sGetSub ( SCell p,
Dimension k,
Integer x )

Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
xthe decrement.
the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.

◆ signs()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::signs ( const Cell & p,
Sign s )

Creates a signed pre-cell from an unsigned one and a given sign.

pany unsigned pre-cell.
sa sign.
the signed version of the pre-cell [p] with sign [s].

◆ sIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIncident ( SCell c,
Dimension k,
bool up )

Return the forward or backward signed pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up].

cany signed pre-cell.
kany coordinate.
upif 'true' the orientation is forward along axis [k], otherwise backward.
the forward or backward signed pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up]. It is worthy to note that the forward and backward pre-cell have opposite sign. Furthermore, the sign of these pre-cells is defined so as to satisfy a boundary operator.
It may be a lower incident pre-cell if [c] is open along axis [k], else an upper incident pre-cell.

◆ sIndirectIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIndirectIncident ( SCell p,
Dimension k )

Return the indirect incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident cell along [k] whose sign is negative).

pany signed pre-cell.
kany coordinate.
the indirect incident pre-cell of [p] along [k] (the incident cell along [k] whose sign is negative).

◆ sIsInside() [1/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsInside ( const SCell & p)

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
always true.

◆ sIsInside() [2/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsInside ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always true.

◆ sIsMax()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsMax ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always false.

◆ sIsMin()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsMin ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always false.

◆ sIsOpen()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsOpen ( const SCell & p,
Dimension k )

Return 'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].

pany signed pre-cell.
kany direction.
'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].

◆ sIsSurfel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sIsSurfel ( const SCell & b)

Return 'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).

bany signed pre-cell.
'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).

◆ sKCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sKCoord ( const SCell & c,
Dimension k )

Return its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].

cany signed pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].

◆ sKCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static const Point & DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sKCoords ( const SCell & c)

Return its Khalimsky coordinates.

cany signed pre-cell.
its Khalimsky coordinates.

◆ sLowerIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sLowerIncident ( const SCell & c)

Return the signed pre-cells directly low incident to c.

cany signed pre-cell.
the signed pre-cells directly low incident to c.
it is the lower boundary of c expressed as a list of signed pre-cells.

◆ sNeighborhood()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sNeighborhood ( const SCell & cell)

Computes the 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.

It is the set of pre-cells with same topology that are adjacent to [c].

cellthe signed pre-cell of interest.
the pre-cells of the 1-neighborhood of [cell].

◆ sNext()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sNext ( SCell & p,
const SCell & lower,
const SCell & upper )

Increment the pre-cell [p] to its next position (as classically done in a scanning).


Cell first, last; // lower and upper bounds
Cell p = first;
{ // ... whatever [p] is the current cell
while ( KPreSpace::uNext( p, first, last ) );
pany pre-cell.
lowerthe lower bound.
upperthe upper bound.
true if p is still within the bounds, false if the scanning is finished.
sTopology(p) == sTopology(lower) == sTopology(upper).

◆ sOpp()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sOpp ( const SCell & p)

Creates the signed pre-cell with the inverse sign of [p].

pany signed pre-cell.
the pre-cell [p] with opposite sign.

◆ sOrthDir()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sOrthDir ( const SCell & s)

Given a signed pre-surfel [s], returns its orthogonal direction (ie, the coordinate where the surfel is closed).

sa signed pre-surfel
the orthogonal direction of [s]

◆ sOrthDirs()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static DirIterator DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sOrthDirs ( const SCell & p)

Given a signed pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell does not span. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).


KPreSpace::SCell p;
for ( auto q = KPreSpace::uOrthDirs( p ); q != 0; ++q )
Dimension dir = *q;
pany signed pre-cell.
an iterator that points on the first coordinate spanned by the cell.

◆ sPointel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sPointel ( Point p,
Sign sign = POS )

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-pointel (pre-cell of dimension 0).

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
signthe sign of the cell (either POS or NEG).
the signed pre-pointel having the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ sProject()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sProject ( SCell & p,
const SCell & bound,
Dimension k )

Projects [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].

Otherwise said, p[ k ] == bound[ k ] afterwards.

pany pre-cell.
boundthe element acting as bound (same topology as p).
kthe concerned coordinate.
sIsOpen(p, k) == sIsOpen(bound, k)

◆ sProjection()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sProjection ( SCell p,
const SCell & bound,
Dimension k )

Return the projection of [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].

Otherwise said, p[ k ] == bound[ k ] afterwards.

pany pre-cell.
boundthe element acting as bound (same topology as p).
kthe concerned coordinate.
the projection.
sIsOpen(p, k) == sIsOpen(bound, k)
sTopology(p) == sTopology(sProjection(p, bound, k)).

◆ sProperNeighborhood()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sProperNeighborhood ( const SCell & cell)

Computes the proper 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.

It is the set of pre-cells with same topology that are adjacent to [c] and different from [c].

cellthe signed pre-cell of interest.
the pre-cells of the proper 1-neighborhood of [cell].

◆ sSetCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSetCoord ( SCell & c,
Dimension k,
Integer i )

Sets the [k]-th digital coordinate of [c] to [i].

cany signed pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
ian integer coordinate.

◆ sSetCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSetCoords ( SCell & c,
const Point & kp )

Sets the digital coordinates of [c] to [kp].

cany signed pre-cell.
kpthe new digital coordinates for [c].

◆ sSetKCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSetKCoord ( SCell & c,
Dimension k,
Integer i )

Sets the [k]-th Khalimsky coordinate of [c] to [i].

cany signed pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
ian integer coordinate.

◆ sSetKCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSetKCoords ( SCell & c,
const Point & kp )

Sets the Khalimsky coordinates of [c] to [kp].

cany signed pre-cell.
kpthe new Khalimsky coordinates for [c].

◆ sSetSign()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSetSign ( SCell & c,
Sign s )

Sets the sign of the pre-cell.

c(modified) any signed pre-cell.
sany sign.

◆ sSign()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Sign DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSign ( const SCell & c)

Return its sign.

cany signed pre-cell.
its sign.

◆ sSpel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sSpel ( Point p,
Sign sign = POS )

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-spel (pre-cell of maximal dimension).

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
signthe sign of the cell (either POS or NEG).
the signed pre-spel having the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ sTopology()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sTopology ( const SCell & p)

Return the topology word of [p].

pany signed pre-cell.
the topology word of [p].

◆ sTranslation()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sTranslation ( SCell p,
const Vector & vec )

Add the vector [vec] to [p].

pany pre-cell.
vecany pointel.
the signed code of the cell [p] translated by [coord].

◆ sUpperIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static SCells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::sUpperIncident ( const SCell & c)

Return the signed pre-cells directly up incident to c.

cany signed pre-cell.
the signed pre-cells directly up incident to c.
it is the upper boundary of c expressed as a list of signed pre-cells.

◆ uAddCoFaces()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uAddCoFaces ( Cells & cofaces,
const Cell & c,
Dimension axis )

Used by uCoFaces for computing incident cofaces.

◆ uAddFaces()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uAddFaces ( Cells & faces,
const Cell & c,
Dimension axis )

Used by uFaces for computing incident faces.

◆ uAdjacent()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uAdjacent ( const Cell & p,
Dimension k,
bool up )

Return the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
upif 'true' the orientation is forward along axis [k], otherwise backward.
the adjacent element to [p] along axis [k] in the given direction and orientation.
It is an alias to 'up ? uGetIncr( p, k ) : uGetDecr( p, k )'.

◆ uCell() [1/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCell ( const Point & kp)

From the Khalimsky coordinates of a cell, builds the corresponding unsigned pre-cell.

kpan integer point (Khalimsky coordinates of cell).
the unsigned pre-cell.

◆ uCell() [2/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCell ( Point p,
const Cell & c )

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn and a cell type, builds the corresponding unsigned pre-cell.

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
canother cell defining the topology.
the pre-cell having the topology of [c] and the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ uCoFaces()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCoFaces ( const Cell & c)

Return the proper cofaces of [c] (chain of upper incidence).

cany unsigned ipre-cell.
the proper cofaces of [c] (chain of upper incidence).

◆ uCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCoord ( const Cell & c,
Dimension k )

Return its digital coordinate along [k].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
its digital coordinate along [k].

◆ uCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Point DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uCoords ( const Cell & c)

Return its digital coordinates.

cany unsigned pre-cell.
its digital coordinates.

◆ uDim()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uDim ( const Cell & p)

Return the dimension of the pre-cell [p].

pany unsigned pre-cell.
the dimension of the pre-cell [p].

◆ uDirs()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static DirIterator DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uDirs ( const Cell & p)

Given an unsigned pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell spans. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).


KPreSpace::Cell p;
for ( auto q = KPreSpace::uDirs( p ); q != 0; ++q )
Dimension dir = *q;
pany unsigned pre-cell.
an iterator that points on the first coordinate spanned by the pre-cell.

◆ uFaces()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uFaces ( const Cell & c)

Return the proper faces of [c] (chain of lower incidence).

cany unsigned pre-cell.
the proper faces of [c] (chain of lower incidence).

◆ uGetAdd()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uGetAdd ( Cell p,
Dimension k,
Integer x )

Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
xthe increment.
the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] incremented with x.

◆ uGetDecr()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uGetDecr ( Cell p,
Dimension k )

Return the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
the same element as [p] except for an decremented coordinate [k].

◆ uGetIncr()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uGetIncr ( Cell p,
Dimension k )

Return the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
the same element as [p] except for the incremented coordinate [k].

◆ uGetSub()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uGetSub ( Cell p,
Dimension k,
Integer x )

Return the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.

pany pre-cell.
kthe coordinate that is changed.
xthe decrement.
the same element as [p] except for a coordinate [k] decremented with x.

◆ uIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIncident ( Cell c,
Dimension k,
bool up )

Return the forward or backward unsigned pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kany coordinate.
upif 'true' the orientation is forward along axis [k], otherwise backward.
the forward or backward unsigned pre-cell incident to [c] along axis [k], depending on [up].
It may be a lower incident pre-cell if [c] is open along axis [k], else an upper incident pre-cell.

◆ uIsInside() [1/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsInside ( const Cell & p)

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
always true.

◆ uIsInside() [2/2]

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsInside ( const Cell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always true.

◆ uIsMax()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsMax ( const Cell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always false.

◆ uIsMin()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsMin ( const Cell & p,
Dimension k )

Useful to check if you are going out of the space.

Only for compatibility reasons.

pany pre-cell.
kthe tested coordinate.
always false.

◆ uIsOpen()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsOpen ( const Cell & p,
Dimension k )

Return 'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].

pany pre-cell.
kany direction.
'true' if [p] is open along the direction [k].

◆ uIsSurfel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uIsSurfel ( const Cell & b)

Return 'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).

bany unsigned pre-cell.
'true' if [b] is a surfel (spans all but one coordinate).

◆ uKCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uKCoord ( const Cell & c,
Dimension k )

Return its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
its Khalimsky coordinate along [k].

◆ uKCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static const Point & DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uKCoords ( const Cell & c)

Return its Khalimsky coordinates.

cany unsigned pre-cell.
its Khalimsky coordinates.

◆ uLowerIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uLowerIncident ( const Cell & c)

Return the pre-cells directly low incident to c.

cany unsigned pre-cell.
the pre-cells directly low incident to c.

◆ uNeighborhood()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uNeighborhood ( const Cell & cell)

Computes the 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.

It is the set of cells with same topology that are adjacent to [c].

cellthe unsigned pre-cell of interest.
the pre-cells of the 1-neighborhood of [cell].

◆ uNext()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static bool DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uNext ( Cell & p,
const Cell & lower,
const Cell & upper )

Increment the pre-cell [p] to its next position (as classically done in a scanning).


Cell first, last; // lower and upper bounds
Cell p = first;
{ // ... whatever [p] is the current cell
while ( KPreSpace::uNext( p, first, last ) );
pany pre-cell.
lowerthe lower bound.
upperthe upper bound.
true if p is still within the bounds, false if the scanning is finished.
uTopology(p) == uTopology(lower) == uTopology(upper).

◆ unsigns()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::unsigns ( const SCell & p)

Creates an unsigned pre-cell from a signed one.

pany signed pre-cell.
the unsigned version of the pre-cell [p].

◆ uOrthDir()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uOrthDir ( const Cell & s)

Given an unsigned pre-surfel [s], returns its orthogonal direction (ie, the coordinate where the surfel is closed).

san unsigned pre-surfel
the orthogonal direction of [s]

◆ uOrthDirs()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static DirIterator DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uOrthDirs ( const Cell & p)

Given an unsigned pre-cell [p], returns an iterator to iterate over each coordinate the cell does not span. (A spel spans all coordinates; a surfel all but one, etc).


KPreSpace::Cell p;
for ( auto q = KPreSpace::uOrthDirs( p ); q != 0; ++q )
Dimension dir = *q;
pany unsigned pre-cell.
an iterator that points on the first coordinate spanned by the cell.

◆ uPointel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uPointel ( Point p)

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-pointel (pre-cell of dimension 0).

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
the pre-pointel having the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ uProject()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uProject ( Cell & p,
const Cell & bound,
Dimension k )

Projects [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].

Otherwise said, p[ k ] == bound[ k ] afterwards

[in,out]pany pre-cell.
[in]boundthe element acting as bound (same topology as p).
[in]kthe concerned coordinate.
uIsOpen(p, k) == uIsOpen(bound, k)

◆ uProjection()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uProjection ( Cell p,
const Cell & bound,
Dimension k )

Return the projection of [p] along the [k]th direction toward [bound].

Otherwise said, p[ k ] == bound[ k ] afterwards.

pany pre-cell.
boundthe element acting as bound (same topology as p).
kthe concerned coordinate.
the projection.
uIsOpen(p, k) == uIsOpen(bound, k)
uTopology(p) == uTopology(uProjection(p, bound, k)).

◆ uProperNeighborhood()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uProperNeighborhood ( const Cell & cell)

Computes the proper 1-neighborhood of the pre-cell [c] and returns it.

It is the set of pre-cells with same topology that are adjacent to [c] and different from [c].

cellthe unsigned pre-cell of interest.
the pre-cells of the proper 1-neighborhood of [cell].

◆ uSetCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uSetCoord ( Cell & c,
Dimension k,
Integer i )

Sets the [k]-th digital coordinate of [c] to [i].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
ian integer coordinate.

◆ uSetCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uSetCoords ( Cell & c,
const Point & kp )

Sets the digital coordinates of [c] to [kp].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kpthe new digital coordinates for [c].

◆ uSetKCoord()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uSetKCoord ( Cell & c,
Dimension k,
Integer i )

Sets the [k]-th Khalimsky coordinate of [c] to [i].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kany valid dimension.
ian integer coordinate.

◆ uSetKCoords()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static void DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uSetKCoords ( Cell & c,
const Point & kp )

Sets the Khalimsky coordinates of [c] to [kp].

cany unsigned pre-cell.
kpthe new Khalimsky coordinates for [c].

◆ uSpel()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uSpel ( Point p)

From the digital coordinates of a point in Zn, builds the corresponding pre-spel (pre-cell of maximal dimension).

pan integer point (digital coordinates of cell).
the pre-spel having the given digital coordinates [p].

◆ uTopology()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Integer DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uTopology ( const Cell & p)

Return the topology word of [p].

pany unsigned pre-cell.
the topology word of [p].

◆ uTranslation()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cell DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uTranslation ( Cell p,
const Vector & vec )

Add the vector [vec] to [p].

pany pre-cell.
vecany pointel.
the unsigned copy of the pre-cell [p] translated by [coord].

◆ uUpperIncident()

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
static Cells DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::uUpperIncident ( const Cell & c)

Return the pre-cells directly up incident to c.

cany unsigned pre-cell.
the pre-cells directly up incident to c.

Field Documentation


template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
const Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::DIM = dim

Definition at line 404 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

◆ dimension

template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
const Dimension DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::dimension = dim

Definition at line 403 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.


template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
const Sign DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::NEG = false

Definition at line 406 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.


template<Dimension dim, typename TInteger >
const Sign DGtal::KhalimskyPreSpaceND< dim, TInteger >::POS = true

Definition at line 405 of file KhalimskyPreSpaceND.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: