DGtal 1.4.2
No Matches

This example shows a not-so-greedy segmentation into naive planes of the surface at threshold 0 within volume Al.100.vol.

It enhances the polyhedrization of greedy-plane-segmentation.cpp by selecting first the vertices that induces the biggest planes. This is much slower than the other, but it gives nicer results. For each vertex, it computes its best plane by breadth-first traversal. It stores the obtained size for each vertex independently. It puts them in a priority queue, the first to be popped are the ones with the biggest size. The remaining of the algorithm is unchanged.

Colors for each plane are chosen randomly. Surfels in the same plane have the same color.

See also
Application to greedy segmentation into digital planes (solution of exercice 2)
# naive plane: width=1/1
$ ./examples/geometry/surfaces/greedy-plane-segmentation-ex2 -i ./examples/samples/Al.100.vol -t 0 -w 1 -d 1
Not-so-greedy segmentation of Al capone into naive planes.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/io/readers/VolReader.h"
#include "DGtal/io/Display3D.h"
#include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
#include "DGtal/io/DrawWithDisplay3DModifier.h"
#include "DGtal/images/ImageSelector.h"
#include "DGtal/images/imagesSetsUtils/SetFromImage.h"
#include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSurface.h"
#include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSetBoundary.h"
#include "DGtal/graph/BreadthFirstVisitor.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/COBANaivePlaneComputer.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "ConfigExamples.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace DGtal;
using namespace Z3i;
// We choose the DigitalSetBoundary surface container in order to
// segment connected or unconnected surfaces.
typedef MyDigitalSurface::ConstIterator ConstIterator;
typedef MyDigitalSurface::Vertex Vertex;
typedef MyDigitalSurface::SurfelSet SurfelSet;
typedef SurfelSet::iterator SurfelSetIterator;
struct SegmentedPlane {
Color color;
struct VertexSize {
Vertex v;
std::size_t size;
inline VertexSize( const Vertex & aV, std::size_t aSize )
: v( aV ), size( aSize )
bool operator<( const VertexSize & vs1, const VertexSize & vs2 )
return vs1.size < vs2.size;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
trace.info() << "Segments the surface at given threshold within given volume into digital planes of rational width num/den." << std::endl;
// Setting default options: ----------------------------------------------
// input file used:
string inputFilename = examplesPath + "samples/Al.100.vol" ;
trace.info() << "input file used " << inputFilename << std::endl;
// parameter threshold
unsigned int threshold = 0;
trace.info() << "the value that defines the isosurface in the image (an integer between 0 and 255)= " << threshold<< std::endl;
// parameter widthNum
unsigned int widthNum = 1;
trace.info() << "the numerator of the rational width (a non-null integer) =" << widthNum<< std::endl;
// parameter widthDen
unsigned int widthDen = 1;
trace.info() << "the denominator of the rational width (a non-null integer)= " << widthDen<< std::endl;
QApplication application(argc,argv);
typedef ImageSelector < Domain, int>::Type Image;
Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol(inputFilename);
DigitalSet set3d (image.domain());
SetFromImage<DigitalSet>::append<Image>(set3d, image, threshold,255);
trace.beginBlock( "Set up digital surface." );
// We initializes the cellular grid space used for defining the
// digital surface.
KSpace ks;
bool ok = ks.init( set3d.domain().lowerBound(),
set3d.domain().upperBound(), true );
if ( ! ok ) std::cerr << "[KSpace.init] Failed." << std::endl;
SurfelAdjacency<KSpace::dimension> surfAdj( true ); // interior in all directions.
MyDigitalSurfaceContainer* ptrSurfContainer =
new MyDigitalSurfaceContainer( ks, set3d, surfAdj );
MyDigitalSurface digSurf( ptrSurfContainer ); // acquired
Point p;
Dimension axis;
unsigned int j = 0;
unsigned int nb = digSurf.size();
// First pass to find biggest planes.
trace.beginBlock( "1) Segmentation first pass. Computes all planes so as to sort vertices by the plane size." );
std::map<Vertex,unsigned int> v2size;
NaivePlaneComputer planeComputer;
std::priority_queue<VertexSize> Q;
for ( ConstIterator it = digSurf.begin(), itE= digSurf.end(); it != itE; ++it )
if ( ( (++j) % 50 == 0 ) || ( j == nb ) ) trace.progressBar( j, nb );
Vertex v = *it;
axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
planeComputer.init( axis, 500, widthNum, widthDen );
// The visitor takes care of all the breadth-first traversal.
Visitor visitor( digSurf, v );
while ( ! visitor.finished() )
Visitor::Node node = visitor.current();
v = node.first;
axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
p = ks.sCoords( ks.sDirectIncident( v, axis ) );
bool isExtended = planeComputer.extend( p );
if ( isExtended )
// surfel is in plane.
else // surfel is not in plane and should not be used in the visit.
Q.push( VertexSize( v, planeComputer.size() ) );
trace.beginBlock( "2) Segmentation second pass. Visits vertices from the one with biggest plane to the one with smallest plane." );
std::set<Vertex> processedVertices;
std::vector<SegmentedPlane*> segmentedPlanes;
std::map<Vertex,SegmentedPlane*> v2plane;
j = 0;
while ( ! Q.empty() )
if ( ( (++j) % 50 == 0 ) || ( j == nb ) ) trace.progressBar( j, nb );
Vertex v = Q.top().v;
if ( processedVertices.find( v ) != processedVertices.end() ) // already in set
continue; // process to next vertex
SegmentedPlane* ptrSegment = new SegmentedPlane;
segmentedPlanes.push_back( ptrSegment ); // to delete them afterwards.
axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
ptrSegment->plane.init( axis, 500, widthNum, widthDen );
// The visitor takes care of all the breadth-first traversal.
Visitor visitor( digSurf, v );
while ( ! visitor.finished() )
Visitor::Node node = visitor.current();
v = node.first;
if ( processedVertices.find( v ) == processedVertices.end() )
{ // Vertex is not in processedVertices
axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
p = ks.sCoords( ks.sDirectIncident( v, axis ) );
bool isExtended = ptrSegment->plane.extend( p );
if ( isExtended )
{ // surfel is in plane.
processedVertices.insert( v );
v2plane[ v ] = ptrSegment;
else // surfel is not in plane and should not be used in the visit.
else // surfel is already in some plane.
// Assign random color for each plane.
ptrSegment->color = Color( rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256, 255 );
Viewer3D<> viewer( ks );
for ( std::map<Vertex,SegmentedPlane*>::const_iterator
it = v2plane.begin(), itE = v2plane.end();
it != itE; ++it )
viewer << CustomColors3D( it->second->color, it->second->color );
viewer << ks.unsigns( it->first );
viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
for ( std::vector<SegmentedPlane*>::iterator
it = segmentedPlanes.begin(), itE = segmentedPlanes.end();
it != itE; ++it )
delete *it;
return application.exec();
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Definition Color.h:68
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void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
std::ostream & info()
void progressBar(const double currentValue, const double maximalValue)
double endBlock()
DigitalSurface< MyDigitalSurfaceContainer > MyDigitalSurface
bool operator<(const VertexSize &vs1, const VertexSize &vs2)
SurfelSet::iterator SurfelSetIterator
COBANaivePlaneComputer< Z3, InternalInteger > NaivePlaneComputer
MyDigitalSurface::ConstIterator ConstIterator
MyDigitalSurface::SurfelSet SurfelSet
BreadthFirstVisitor< MyDigitalSurface > Visitor
DigitalSetBoundary< KSpace, DigitalSet > MyDigitalSurfaceContainer
DGtal::int64_t InternalInteger
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
boost::int64_t int64_t
signed 94-bit integer.
Definition BasicTypes.h:74
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition Common.h:136
Trace trace
Definition Common.h:153
STL namespace.
Aim: Define utilities to convert a digital set into an image.
Aim: implements methods to read a "Vol" file format.
Definition VolReader.h:90
int main()
Definition testBits.cpp:56
MyPointD Point
ImageContainerBySTLVector< Domain, Value > Image
TriMesh::Vertex Vertex
Z2i::DigitalSet DigitalSet