DGtal 1.4.2
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
60#include <iostream>
61#include <vector>
62#include <set>
63#include <map>
64#include <queue>
65#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
66#include "DGtal/io/readers/VolReader.h"
68#include "DGtal/io/Display3D.h"
69#include "DGtal/io/viewers/Viewer3D.h"
70#include "DGtal/io/DrawWithDisplay3DModifier.h"
71#include "DGtal/images/ImageSelector.h"
72#include "DGtal/images/imagesSetsUtils/SetFromImage.h"
73#include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSurface.h"
74#include "DGtal/topology/DigitalSetBoundary.h"
75#include "DGtal/graph/BreadthFirstVisitor.h"
76#include "DGtal/geometry/surfaces/COBANaivePlaneComputer.h"
77#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
78#include "ConfigExamples.h"
82using namespace std;
83using namespace DGtal;
86using namespace Z3i;
89// We choose the DigitalSetBoundary surface container in order to
90// segment connected or unconnected surfaces.
96typedef SurfelSet::iterator SurfelSetIterator;
102struct SegmentedPlane {
103 NaivePlaneComputer plane;
104 Color color;
106struct VertexSize {
107 Vertex v;
108 std::size_t size;
109 inline VertexSize( const Vertex & aV, std::size_t aSize )
110 : v( aV ), size( aSize )
111 {}
115bool operator<( const VertexSize & vs1, const VertexSize & vs2 )
117 return vs1.size < vs2.size;
123int main( int argc, char** argv )
126 trace.info() << "Segments the surface at given threshold within given volume into digital planes of rational width num/den." << std::endl;
127 // Setting default options: ----------------------------------------------
128 // input file used:
129 string inputFilename = examplesPath + "samples/Al.100.vol" ;
130 trace.info() << "input file used " << inputFilename << std::endl;
131 // parameter threshold
132 unsigned int threshold = 0;
133 trace.info() << "the value that defines the isosurface in the image (an integer between 0 and 255)= " << threshold<< std::endl;
134 // parameter widthNum
135 unsigned int widthNum = 1;
136 trace.info() << "the numerator of the rational width (a non-null integer) =" << widthNum<< std::endl;
137 // parameter widthDen
138 unsigned int widthDen = 1;
139 trace.info() << "the denominator of the rational width (a non-null integer)= " << widthDen<< std::endl;
143 QApplication application(argc,argv);
145 Image image = VolReader<Image>::importVol(inputFilename);
146 DigitalSet set3d (image.domain());
147 SetFromImage<DigitalSet>::append<Image>(set3d, image, threshold,255);
151 trace.beginBlock( "Set up digital surface." );
152 // We initializes the cellular grid space used for defining the
153 // digital surface.
154 KSpace ks;
155 bool ok = ks.init( set3d.domain().lowerBound(),
156 set3d.domain().upperBound(), true );
157 if ( ! ok ) std::cerr << "[KSpace.init] Failed." << std::endl;
158 SurfelAdjacency<KSpace::dimension> surfAdj( true ); // interior in all directions.
159 MyDigitalSurfaceContainer* ptrSurfContainer =
160 new MyDigitalSurfaceContainer( ks, set3d, surfAdj );
161 MyDigitalSurface digSurf( ptrSurfContainer ); // acquired
162 trace.endBlock();
166 Point p;
167 Dimension axis;
168 unsigned int j = 0;
169 unsigned int nb = digSurf.size();
171 // First pass to find biggest planes.
172 trace.beginBlock( "1) Segmentation first pass. Computes all planes so as to sort vertices by the plane size." );
173 std::map<Vertex,unsigned int> v2size;
174 NaivePlaneComputer planeComputer;
175 std::priority_queue<VertexSize> Q;
176 for ( ConstIterator it = digSurf.begin(), itE= digSurf.end(); it != itE; ++it )
177 {
178 if ( ( (++j) % 50 == 0 ) || ( j == nb ) ) trace.progressBar( j, nb );
179 Vertex v = *it;
180 axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
181 planeComputer.init( axis, 500, widthNum, widthDen );
182 // The visitor takes care of all the breadth-first traversal.
183 Visitor visitor( digSurf, v );
184 while ( ! visitor.finished() )
185 {
186 Visitor::Node node = visitor.current();
187 v = node.first;
188 axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
189 p = ks.sCoords( ks.sDirectIncident( v, axis ) );
190 bool isExtended = planeComputer.extend( p );
191 if ( isExtended )
192 // surfel is in plane.
193 visitor.expand();
194 else // surfel is not in plane and should not be used in the visit.
195 visitor.ignore();
196 }
197 Q.push( VertexSize( v, planeComputer.size() ) );
198 }
199 trace.endBlock();
201 trace.beginBlock( "2) Segmentation second pass. Visits vertices from the one with biggest plane to the one with smallest plane." );
202 std::set<Vertex> processedVertices;
203 std::vector<SegmentedPlane*> segmentedPlanes;
204 std::map<Vertex,SegmentedPlane*> v2plane;
205 j = 0;
206 while ( ! Q.empty() )
207 {
208 if ( ( (++j) % 50 == 0 ) || ( j == nb ) ) trace.progressBar( j, nb );
209 Vertex v = Q.top().v;
210 Q.pop();
211 if ( processedVertices.find( v ) != processedVertices.end() ) // already in set
212 continue; // process to next vertex
214 SegmentedPlane* ptrSegment = new SegmentedPlane;
215 segmentedPlanes.push_back( ptrSegment ); // to delete them afterwards.
216 axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
217 ptrSegment->plane.init( axis, 500, widthNum, widthDen );
218 // The visitor takes care of all the breadth-first traversal.
219 Visitor visitor( digSurf, v );
220 while ( ! visitor.finished() )
221 {
222 Visitor::Node node = visitor.current();
223 v = node.first;
224 if ( processedVertices.find( v ) == processedVertices.end() )
225 { // Vertex is not in processedVertices
226 axis = ks.sOrthDir( v );
227 p = ks.sCoords( ks.sDirectIncident( v, axis ) );
228 bool isExtended = ptrSegment->plane.extend( p );
229 if ( isExtended )
230 { // surfel is in plane.
231 processedVertices.insert( v );
232 v2plane[ v ] = ptrSegment;
233 visitor.expand();
234 }
235 else // surfel is not in plane and should not be used in the visit.
236 visitor.ignore();
237 }
238 else // surfel is already in some plane.
239 visitor.ignore();
240 }
241 // Assign random color for each plane.
242 ptrSegment->color = Color( rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256, 255 );
243 }
244 trace.endBlock();
248 Viewer3D<> viewer( ks );
249 viewer.show();
250 for ( std::map<Vertex,SegmentedPlane*>::const_iterator
251 it = v2plane.begin(), itE = v2plane.end();
252 it != itE; ++it )
253 {
254 viewer << CustomColors3D( it->second->color, it->second->color );
255 viewer << ks.unsigns( it->first );
256 }
257 viewer << Viewer3D<>::updateDisplay;
261 for ( std::vector<SegmentedPlane*>::iterator
262 it = segmentedPlanes.begin(), itE = segmentedPlanes.end();
263 it != itE; ++it )
264 delete *it;
265 segmentedPlanes.clear();
266 v2plane.clear();
269 return application.exec();
Aim: This class is useful to perform a breadth-first exploration of a graph given a starting point or...
const Node & current() const
std::pair< Vertex, Data > Node
Aim: A class that contains the COBA algorithm (Emilie Charrier, Lilian Buzer, DGCI2008) for recognizi...
void init(Dimension axis, InternalInteger diameter, InternalInteger widthNumerator=NumberTraits< InternalInteger >::ONE, InternalInteger widthDenominator=NumberTraits< InternalInteger >::ONE)
bool extend(const Point &p)
Structure representing an RGB triple with alpha component.
Definition Color.h:68
Aim: A model of CDigitalSurfaceContainer which defines the digital surface as the boundary of a given...
Aim: A wrapper class around a STL associative container for storing sets of digital points within som...
Aim: Represents a set of n-1-cells in a nD space, together with adjacency relation between these cell...
ConstIterator begin() const
ConstIterator end() const
Surfel Vertex
Defines the type for a vertex.
KSpace::SurfelSet SurfelSet
DigitalSurfaceContainer::SurfelConstIterator ConstIterator
Aim: implements association bewteen points lying in a digital domain and values.
Definition Image.h:70
Aim: This class is a model of CCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex,...
bool init(const Point &lower, const Point &upper, bool isClosed)
Specifies the upper and lower bounds for the maximal cells in this space.
Dimension sOrthDir(const SCell &s) const
Given a signed surfel [s], returns its orthogonal direction (ie, the coordinate where the surfel is c...
Cell unsigns(const SCell &p) const
Creates an unsigned cell from a signed one.
Point sCoords(const SCell &c) const
Return its digital coordinates.
SCell sDirectIncident(const SCell &p, Dimension k) const
Return the direct incident cell of [p] along [k] (the incident cell along [k])
Aim: Represent adjacencies between surfel elements, telling if it follows an interior to exterior ord...
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
std::ostream & info()
void progressBar(const double currentValue, const double maximalValue)
double endBlock()
virtual void show()
Overload QWidget method in order to add a call to updateList() method (to ensure that the lists are w...
DigitalSurface< MyDigitalSurfaceContainer > MyDigitalSurface
SurfelSet::iterator SurfelSetIterator
MyDigitalSurface::Vertex Vertex
COBANaivePlaneComputer< Z3, InternalInteger > NaivePlaneComputer
MyDigitalSurface::ConstIterator ConstIterator
MyDigitalSurface::SurfelSet SurfelSet
BreadthFirstVisitor< MyDigitalSurface > Visitor
DigitalSetBoundary< KSpace, DigitalSet > MyDigitalSurfaceContainer
DGtal::int64_t InternalInteger
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
boost::int64_t int64_t
signed 94-bit integer.
Definition BasicTypes.h:74
bool operator<(PointVector< ptDim, LeftEuclideanRing, LeftContainer > const &lhs, PointVector< ptDim, RightEuclideanRing, RightContainer > const &rhs)
Comparison operator on Points/Vectors (LesserThan).
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension
Definition Common.h:136
Trace trace
Definition Common.h:153
STL namespace.
ImageContainerBySTLVector< Domain, Value > Type
static void append(Set &aSet, const ForegroundPredicate &isForeground, typename Image::Domain::ConstIterator itBegin, typename Image::Domain::ConstIterator itEnd)
static ImageContainer importVol(const std::string &filename, const Functor &aFunctor=Functor())
int main()
Definition testBits.cpp:56
MyPointD Point
ImageContainerBySTLVector< Domain, Value > Image
TriMesh::Vertex Vertex