DGtal 1.4.2
No Matches
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > Class Template Reference

Aim: This class represents an arbitrary cubical complex living in some Khalimsky space. Cubical complexes are sets of cells of different dimensions related together with incidence relations. Two cells in a cubical complex are incident if and only if they are incident in the surrounding Khalimsky space. In other words, cubical complexes are defined here as subsets of Khalimsky spaces. More...

#include <DGtal/topology/CubicalComplex.h>

Inheritance diagram for DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >:

Data Structures

struct  ConstIterator
struct  DefaultCellMapIteratorPriority
struct  Iterator

Public Types

enum  CellType { Maximal , Free , Any }
 Possible cell types within a complex. More...
typedef CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > Self
typedef TKSpace KSpace
 Type of the cellular grid space.
typedef TCellContainer CellContainer
 Type for storing cells, an associative container Cell -> Data.
typedef CellContainer::mapped_type Data
 Type of data associated to each cell.
typedef KSpace::Integer Integer
 Type for integers in the space.
typedef KSpace::Cell Cell
 Type for a cell in the space.
typedef Cell::PreCell PreCell
 Type for a precell in the space.
typedef KSpace::Cells Cells
 Type for a sequence of cells in the space.
typedef KSpace::Space Space
 Type of the digital space.
typedef KSpace::Size Size
 Type for a number of elements.
typedef KSpace::Point Point
 Type for a point in the digital space.
typedef KSpace::DirIterator DirIterator
 Type for iterating over cell directions.
typedef CellContainer CellMap
 Type for storing cells, an associative container Cell -> Data.
typedef CellMap::const_iterator CellMapConstIterator
 Const iterator for visiting type CellMap.
typedef CellMap::iterator CellMapIterator
 Iterator for visiting type CellMap.
typedef ConstIterator const_iterator
typedef Iterator iterator
typedef Cell value_type
typedef Cell const & reference
typedef Cell const & const_reference
typedef CellContainer::size_type size_type
typedef CellContainer::difference_type difference_type
typedef Cell const * pointer
typedef Cell const * const_pointer

Public Member Functions

 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >))
 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (IsPairAssociativeContainer< TCellContainer >::value)
 BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ((concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< TCellContainer >))
 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ((boost::is_base_of< CubicalCellData, Data >::value))
 BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ((boost::is_same< typename TKSpace::Cell, typename CellContainer::key_type >::value))
 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (uint32_t, REMOVED=0x10000000)
 Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell has been (virtually) removed.
 Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell is collapsible.
 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (uint32_t, FIXED=0x40000000)
 Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell is fixed.
 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (uint32_t, USER1=0x80000000)
 User flag for a cell.
 BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT (uint32_t, VALUE=0x0fffffff)
 Value for a cell.
 ~CubicalComplex ()
 CubicalComplex (ConstAlias< KSpace > aK)
 CubicalComplex (const CubicalComplex &other)
template<typename TDigitalSet >
void construct (const TDigitalSet &set)
CubicalComplexoperator= (const CubicalComplex &other)
void clear ()
void clear (Dimension d)
void fillData (Data data=Data())
void fillData (Dimension d, Data data=Data())
Dimension dim () const
Dimension dim (const Cell &aCell) const
Size nbCells (Dimension d) const
Integer euler () const
const KSpacespace () const
const CellMapgetCells (const Dimension d) const
CellMapgetCells (const Dimension d)
ConstIterator begin () const
ConstIterator end () const
Iterator begin ()
Iterator end ()
Size count (const Cell &aCell) const
Size size () const
Size max_size () const
bool empty () const
std::pair< ConstIterator, ConstIteratorequal_range (const Cell &aCell) const
std::pair< Iterator, Iteratorequal_range (const Cell &aCell)
void erase (Iterator position)
Size erase (const Cell &aCell)
void erase (Iterator first, Iterator last)
ConstIterator find (const Cell &aCell) const
Iterator find (const Cell &aCell)
std::pair< Iterator, bool > insert (const Cell &aCell)
Iterator insert (Iterator position, const Cell &aCell)
template<class InputIterator >
void insert (InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
void swap (CubicalComplex &other)
Dataoperator[] (const Cell &aCell)
bool operator() (const Cell &aCell) const
void insertCell (const Cell &aCell, const Data &data=Data())
void insertCell (Dimension d, const Cell &aCell, const Data &data=Data())
template<typename CellConstIterator >
void insertCells (CellConstIterator it, CellConstIterator itE, const Data &data=Data())
template<typename CellConstIterator >
void insertCells (Dimension d, CellConstIterator it, CellConstIterator itE, const Data &data=Data())
bool belongs (const Cell &aCell) const
bool belongs (const PreCell &aCell) const
bool belongs (Dimension d, const Cell &aCell) const
bool belongs (Dimension d, const PreCell &aCell) const
Size eraseCell (const Cell &aCell)
Size eraseCell (Dimension d, const Cell &aCell)
void eraseCell (CellMapIterator it)
void eraseCells (CellMapIterator it, CellMapIterator itE)
template<typename CellConstIterator >
Size eraseCells (CellConstIterator it, CellConstIterator itE)
template<typename CellConstIterator >
Size eraseCells (Dimension d, CellConstIterator it, CellConstIterator itE)
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void faces (CellOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell, bool hintClosed=false) const
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void directFaces (CellOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell, bool hintClosed=false) const
template<typename CellMapIteratorOutputIterator >
void directFacesIterators (CellMapIteratorOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell)
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void coFaces (CellOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell, bool hintOpen=false) const
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void directCoFaces (CellOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell, bool hintOpen=false) const
template<typename CellMapIteratorOutputIterator >
void directCoFacesIterators (CellMapIteratorOutputIterator &outIt, const Cell &aCell)
CellMapConstIterator begin (Dimension d) const
CellMapConstIterator end (Dimension d) const
CellMapIterator begin (Dimension d)
CellMapIterator end (Dimension d)
CellMapConstIterator findCell (const Cell &aCell) const
CellMapConstIterator findCell (Dimension d, const Cell &aCell) const
CellMapIterator findCell (const Cell &aCell)
CellMapIterator findCell (Dimension d, const Cell &aCell)
Cells cellBoundary (const Cell &aCell, bool hintClosed=false) const
Cells cellCoBoundary (const Cell &aCell, bool hintOpen=false) const
bool isCellInterior (const Cell &aCell) const
bool isCellBoundary (const Cell &aCell) const
CellType computeCellType (const Cell &c, CellMapIterator &it_cell_up, Dimension n=dimension)
CubicalComplex interior () const
CubicalComplex boundary (bool hintClosed=false) const
void getInteriorAndBoundary (CubicalComplex &intcc, CubicalComplex &bdcc, bool hintClosed=false) const
CubicalComplex closure (const CubicalComplex &S, bool hintClosed=false) const
CubicalComplex star (const CubicalComplex &S, bool hintOpen=false) const
CubicalComplex link (const CubicalComplex &S, bool hintClosed=false, bool hintOpen=false) const
void close ()
void close (Dimension k)
void open ()
void open (Dimension k)
void selfDisplay (std::ostream &out) const
bool isValid () const
std::string className () const

Static Public Attributes

static const Dimension dimension = KSpace::dimension
 The dimension of the embedding space.

Protected Member Functions

 CubicalComplex ()

Protected Attributes

const KSpacemyKSpace
 The Khalimsky space in which lives the cubical complex.
std::vector< CellMapmyCells


template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator|= (CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator&= (CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator^= (CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator-= (CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator| (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator& (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator^ (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator- (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator~ (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator* (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator== (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator!= (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator<= (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator>= (const CubicalComplex< K, C > &, const CubicalComplex< K, C > &)

Detailed Description

template<typename TKSpace, typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
class DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >

Aim: This class represents an arbitrary cubical complex living in some Khalimsky space. Cubical complexes are sets of cells of different dimensions related together with incidence relations. Two cells in a cubical complex are incident if and only if they are incident in the surrounding Khalimsky space. In other words, cubical complexes are defined here as subsets of Khalimsky spaces.

Description of template class 'CubicalComplex'

A cubical complex is a (immutable) model of boost::Container and offers forward iterators to enumerate elements. It is close from being an AssociativeContainer, but values are not sorted (they are sorted per dimension), and are not modifiable. It is not exactly a container in the usual sense because it cannot be constructed by default, and because iterators may not modified values.

Template Parameters
TKSpaceany model of concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND, i.e. a type that models a Khalimsky space.
TCellContainerany model of associative container, mapping a KSpace::Cell to a CubicalCellData or any type deriving from it. It could be for instance a std::map or a std::unordered_map. Note that unfortunately, unordered_map are (strangely) not models of boost::AssociativeContainer, hence we cannot check concepts here.
topology/cubical-complex-collapse.cpp, topology/cubical-complex-illustrations.cpp, and topology/digitalSetToCubicalComplexes2D.cpp.

Definition at line 175 of file CubicalComplex.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Cell

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Cell DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Cell

Type for a cell in the space.

Definition at line 244 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ CellContainer

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
TCellContainer DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CellContainer

Type for storing cells, an associative container Cell -> Data.

Definition at line 234 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ CellMap

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellContainer DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CellMap

Type for storing cells, an associative container Cell -> Data.

Definition at line 251 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ CellMapConstIterator

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMap::const_iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CellMapConstIterator

Const iterator for visiting type CellMap.

Definition at line 252 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ CellMapIterator

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMap::iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CellMapIterator

Iterator for visiting type CellMap.

Definition at line 253 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Cells

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Cells DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Cells

Type for a sequence of cells in the space.

Definition at line 246 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ const_iterator

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
ConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::const_iterator

Definition at line 514 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ const_pointer

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell const* DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::const_pointer

Definition at line 522 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ const_reference

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell const& DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::const_reference

Definition at line 518 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Data

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellContainer::mapped_type DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Data

Type of data associated to each cell.

Definition at line 235 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ difference_type

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellContainer::difference_type DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::difference_type

Definition at line 520 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ DirIterator

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::DirIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::DirIterator

Type for iterating over cell directions.

Definition at line 250 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Integer

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Integer DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Integer

Type for integers in the space.

Definition at line 243 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ iterator

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::iterator

Definition at line 515 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ KSpace

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
TKSpace DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::KSpace

Type of the cellular grid space.

Definition at line 233 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Point

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Point DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Point

Type for a point in the digital space.

Definition at line 249 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ pointer

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell const* DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::pointer

Definition at line 521 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ PreCell

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell::PreCell DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::PreCell

Type for a precell in the space.

Definition at line 245 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ reference

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell const& DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::reference

Definition at line 517 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Self

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Self

Definition at line 179 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Size

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Size

Type for a number of elements.

Definition at line 248 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ size_type

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellContainer::size_type DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::size_type

Definition at line 519 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ Space

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
KSpace::Space DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::Space

Type of the digital space.

Definition at line 247 of file CubicalComplex.h.

◆ value_type

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cell DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::value_type

Definition at line 516 of file CubicalComplex.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ CellType

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
enum DGtal::CubicalComplex::CellType

Possible cell types within a complex.


The cell has no proper coface


The cell has 1 proper coface


The cell has strictly more than 2 proper cofaces.

Definition at line 257 of file CubicalComplex.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~CubicalComplex()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::~CubicalComplex ( )


◆ CubicalComplex() [1/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CubicalComplex ( )

Constructor. The cubical complex is not valid. A user may not instantiate an empty CubicalComplex, because it needs the Khalimsky space.

◆ CubicalComplex() [2/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CubicalComplex ( ConstAlias< KSpace > aK)

Constructor of empty complex. Needs a space to represents cubical cells.

aKa Khalimsky space.

◆ CubicalComplex() [3/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::CubicalComplex ( const CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & other)

Copy constructor.

otherthe object to clone.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin() [1/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::begin ( )
an iterator pointing on the first cell of this complex (lower dimensional cells come first).

◆ begin() [2/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
ConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::begin ( ) const

◆ begin() [3/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::begin ( Dimension d)
dany valid dimension.
an iterator pointing on the first cell of dimension d of this.

◆ begin() [4/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::begin ( Dimension d) const
dany valid dimension.
a const iterator pointing on the first cell of dimension d of this.

◆ belongs() [1/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::belongs ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell belongs to this complex.

◆ belongs() [2/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::belongs ( const PreCell & aCell) const
aCellany pre-cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell belongs to this complex.

◆ belongs() [3/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::belongs ( Dimension d,
const Cell & aCell ) const
dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell belongs to this complex.

◆ belongs() [4/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::belongs ( Dimension d,
const PreCell & aCell ) const
dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany precell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell belongs to this complex.


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CCellularGridSpaceND< TKSpace >) )


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT ( (concepts::CSTLAssociativeContainer< TCellContainer >) )


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ( (boost::is_base_of< CubicalCellData, Data >::value) )


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ( (boost::is_same< typename TKSpace::Cell, typename CellContainer::key_type >::value) )


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT ( IsPairAssociativeContainer< TCellContainer >::value )


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT ( uint32_t ,
COLLAPSIBLE = 0x20000000 )

Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell is collapsible.


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT ( uint32_t ,
FIXED = 0x40000000 )

Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell is fixed.


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT ( uint32_t ,
REMOVED = 0x10000000 )

Flag Used to indicate in a cell data that this cell has been (virtually) removed.


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT ( uint32_t ,
USER1 = 0x80000000 )

User flag for a cell.


template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT ( uint32_t ,
VALUE = 0x0fffffff )

Value for a cell.

◆ boundary()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::boundary ( bool hintClosed = false) const

Computes the (topological) boundary of this complex (say X), hence it may not be a subcomplex of X, but it is a subcomplex of Cl(X).

hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the subcomplex of this composed of its boundary cells.

Referenced by main(), and SCENARIO().

◆ cellBoundary()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cells DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::cellBoundary ( const Cell & aCell,
bool hintClosed = false ) const

Returns the boundary of the cell aCell as a cell collection, i.e. all the cells that are proper faces of aCell. Generally faster than method faces, which outputs cells with an output iterator.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally) closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the collection of cells that defines the boundary of aCell, i.e. its proper faces.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ cellCoBoundary()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Cells DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::cellCoBoundary ( const Cell & aCell,
bool hintOpen = false ) const

Returns the co-boundary of the cell aCell as a cell collection, i.e. all the cells that are proper co-faces of aCell. Generally faster than method coFaces, which outputs cells with an output iterator.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintOpenwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally) open, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the collection of cells that defines the co-boundary of aCell, i.e. its proper co-faces.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ className()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
std::string DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::className ( ) const
the style name used for drawing this object.

Referenced by main().

◆ clear() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::clear ( )

Clears the cubical complex, which becomes empty.

◆ clear() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::clear ( Dimension d)

Clears all cells of dimension d of the cubical complex.

dthe dimension of cell aCell.

◆ close() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::close ( )

Close the whole complex (see also DGtal::operator~).

Referenced by main(), DGtal::operator~(), SCENARIO(), SCENARIO(), and SCENARIO().

◆ close() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::close ( Dimension k)

Close all cells of dimension less or equal to k.

kany strictly positive integer.

◆ closure()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::closure ( const CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & S,
bool hintClosed = false ) const

Returns the closure of the cells in S within this complex, i.e. the smallest subcomplex that contains each cell in S.

Sany complex the cells of which belong to this complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally around S) closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the closure of S within this complex as a cubical complex.

Referenced by main().

◆ coFaces()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::coFaces ( CellOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell,
bool hintOpen = false ) const

Outputs all the cells that are proper co-faces of aCell with output iterator it.

outItthe output iterator on Cell that is used for outputing faces.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintOpenwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is open, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
Template Parameters
CellOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type Cell.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ computeCellType()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellType DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::computeCellType ( const Cell & c,
CellMapIterator & it_cell_up,
Dimension n = dimension )

Given a cell [c], tells if it is a maximal cell in the complex (return 0), or if it is a free face of the cell pointed by [it_cell_up] (return 1) or if it is not a free face.

The complex must be closed. In computing the 1-up-incident cells, this method ignores cell marked as REMOVED. Furthermore, if one 1-up-incident cell is not marked as COLLAPSIBLE, the method returns 2.

[in]ca cubical cell (belonging to 'this')
[out]it_cell_up(returns) a pointer on a cell d if c is a free face of d.
[in]nthe maximal dimension of a cell in this complex. Default to dimension, but can be less in some cases: for instance, you know that your subcomplex is a digital surface in Z3, hence you can pass 2 for n.
CellType::Maximal if the cell is maximal, CellType::Free if the cell is a free face, CellType::Any otherwise.

◆ construct()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename TDigitalSet >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::construct ( const TDigitalSet & set)

Construct a complex from a digital set.

Template Parameters
TDigitalSeteither kind of DigitalSet
set- a digital set from which to create a complex. Set has to be of the same dimension as a Khalimsky space.

◆ count()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::count ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell.
the number of matches for aCell, which is thus zero (not present) or one (present).

◆ dim() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Dimension DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::dim ( ) const
the maximal dimension of a cell in the complex, 0 if the complex is empty.

◆ dim() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Dimension DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::dim ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
the dimension of the cell aCell.

◆ directCoFaces()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::directCoFaces ( CellOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell,
bool hintOpen = false ) const

Outputs all the cells that are direct co-faces of aCell with output iterator it (direct faces are upper incident cells with a dimension just one above).

outItthe output iterator on Cell that is used for outputing faces.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintOpenwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is open, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
Template Parameters
CellOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type Cell.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ directCoFacesIterators()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellMapIteratorOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::directCoFacesIterators ( CellMapIteratorOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell )

Outputs all the iterators on cells that are direct co-faces of aCell with output iterator it (direct faces are upper incident cells with a dimension just one above).

outItthe output iterator on CellMapIterator that is used for outputing face iterators.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
Template Parameters
CellMapIteratorOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type CellMapIterator.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ directFaces()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::directFaces ( CellOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell,
bool hintClosed = false ) const

Outputs all the cells that are direct faces of aCell with output iterator it (direct faces are lower incident cells with a dimension just one below).

outItthe output iterator on Cell that is used for outputing faces.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
Template Parameters
CellOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type Cell.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ directFacesIterators()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellMapIteratorOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::directFacesIterators ( CellMapIteratorOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell )

Outputs all the iterators on cells that are direct faces of aCell with output iterator it (direct faces are lower incident cells with a dimension just one below).

outItthe output iterator on CellMapIterator that is used for outputing face iterators.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
Template Parameters
CellMapIteratorOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type CellMapIterator.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ empty()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::empty ( ) const
'true' if and only if the complex does not hold any cell.

◆ end() [1/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::end ( )
an iterator pointing after the last cell of this complex (upper dimensional cells arrive last).

◆ end() [2/4]

◆ end() [3/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::end ( Dimension d)
dany valid dimension.
an iterator pointing after the last cell of dimension d of this.

◆ end() [4/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::end ( Dimension d) const
dany valid dimension.
a const iterator pointing after the last cell of dimension d of this.

◆ equal_range() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
std::pair< Iterator, Iterator > DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::equal_range ( const Cell & aCell)

Get range of equal elements to aCell. Because all elements in a set container are unique, the range returned will contain a single element at most.

aCellany cell.
the bounds of a range that includes all the elements in the container that are equivalent to val.

◆ equal_range() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
std::pair< ConstIterator, ConstIterator > DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::equal_range ( const Cell & aCell) const

Get range of equal elements to aCell. Because all elements in a set container are unique, the range returned will contain a single element at most.

aCellany cell.
the bounds of a range that includes all the elements in the container that are equivalent to val.

◆ erase() [1/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::erase ( const Cell & aCell)

Erases cell aCell from the complex (STL version, see eraseCell).

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
the number of cells effectively removed from the cubical complex.

◆ erase() [2/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::erase ( Iterator first,
Iterator last )

Erases range of cells [first, last ).

firstan iterator on the beginning of a range of cells within this complex.
lastan iterator on the end of a range of cells within this complex.

◆ erase() [3/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::erase ( Iterator position)

Erase element pointed by iterator it.

positionany iterator on a valid cell.

◆ eraseCell() [1/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCell ( CellMapIterator it)

Erases cell pointed by iterator it.

itany valid iterator on a cell of this complex.

◆ eraseCell() [2/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCell ( const Cell & aCell)

Erases cell aCell from the complex.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
the number of cells effectively removed from the cubical complex.

◆ eraseCell() [3/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCell ( Dimension d,
const Cell & aCell )

Erases cell aCell from the complex.

dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
the number of cells effectively removed from the cubical complex.

◆ eraseCells() [1/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellConstIterator >
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCells ( CellConstIterator it,
CellConstIterator itE )

Erases the cells stored in range [it,itE) from the CubicalComplex.

itan iterator pointing at the beginning of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
itEan iterator pointing after the end of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
the number of cells effectively removed from the cubical complex.
Template Parameters
CellConstIteratorany model of a forward const iterator on Cell.

◆ eraseCells() [2/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCells ( CellMapIterator it,
CellMapIterator itE )

Erases cells in range [it, itE).

itany valid iterator on the first element of range of cells of this complex.
itEany valid iterator after the last element of range of cells of this complex.

◆ eraseCells() [3/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellConstIterator >
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::eraseCells ( Dimension d,
CellConstIterator it,
CellConstIterator itE )

Erases the cells of dimension d stored in range [it,itE) from the CubicalComplex.

dthe dimension of every cell in range [it,itE).
itan iterator pointing at the beginning of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
itEan iterator pointing after the end of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
the number of cells effectively removed from the cubical complex.
Template Parameters
CellConstIteratorany model of a forward const iterator on Cell.

◆ euler()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Integer DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::euler ( ) const
For instance, all Platonician solids have euler number equal to one, while their surface have euler number equal to two.
the Euler number of this complex which equals nbCells( 0 ) - nbCells( 1 ) + nbCells( 2 ) - ...

Referenced by SCENARIO(), and SCENARIO().

◆ faces()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellOutputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::faces ( CellOutputIterator & outIt,
const Cell & aCell,
bool hintClosed = false ) const

Outputs all the cells that are proper faces of aCell with output iterator it.

outItthe output iterator on Cell that is used for outputing faces.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
Template Parameters
CellOutputIteratorany model of boost::OutputIterator, with value_type Cell.
all returned cells belong to this complex, while it is not compulsory for aCell to belong to it.

◆ fillData() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::fillData ( Data data = Data())

Fills the data of every cell of this cubical complex, which becomes data. Default value resets the data to zero.

dataany data.

◆ fillData() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::fillData ( Dimension d,
Data data = Data() )

Fills the data of every cell of dimension d this cubical complex, which becomes data. Default value resets the data to zero.

dthe dimension of cell aCell.
dataany data.

◆ find() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::find ( const Cell & aCell)
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the cell or end() if not found.

◆ find() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
ConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::find ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the cell or end() if not found.

◆ findCell() [1/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::findCell ( const Cell & aCell)
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the pair (aCell,data) if the cell belongs to the complex, or end( dim( aCell ) )

◆ findCell() [2/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::findCell ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the pair (aCell,data) if the cell belongs to the complex, or end( dim( aCell ) )

◆ findCell() [3/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::findCell ( Dimension d,
const Cell & aCell )
dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the pair (aCell,data) if the cell belongs to the complex, or end( d )

◆ findCell() [4/4]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMapConstIterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::findCell ( Dimension d,
const Cell & aCell ) const
dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
an iterator pointing on the pair (aCell,data) if the cell belongs to the complex, or end( d )

◆ getCells() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CellMap & DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::getCells ( const Dimension d)
dinput Dimension
CellContainer associated to cell of dimension d.

◆ getCells() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
const CellMap & DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::getCells ( const Dimension d) const
dinput Dimension
CellContainer associated to cell of dimension d.

◆ getInteriorAndBoundary()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::getInteriorAndBoundary ( CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & intcc,
CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & bdcc,
bool hintClosed = false ) const

Computes the (topological) interior intcc and the (topological) boundary bdcc of this complex. Note that bdcc is not necessarily a subcomplex.

[out]intccreturns the interior subcomplex of this complex.
[out]bdccreturns the boundary of this complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.

◆ insert() [1/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
std::pair< Iterator, bool > DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insert ( const Cell & aCell)

Insert element aCell into the complex.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
a pair with an iterator pointing on the inserted element and a boolean that is true whenever this was indeed a new element in the complex.

Referenced by SCENARIO(), and SCENARIO().

◆ insert() [2/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<class InputIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insert ( InputIterator first,
InputIterator last )

Insert a range of cells [first, last).

Template Parameters
InputIteratorany model of boost::InputIterator where elements are Cell.
firstthe beginning of the range.
lastthe end of the range.

◆ insert() [3/3]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Iterator DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insert ( Iterator position,
const Cell & aCell )

Insert element aCell into the complex with possible hint given by position.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
positionan hint for the position where the element can be inserted.
an iterator pointing on the inserted element.

◆ insertCell() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insertCell ( const Cell & aCell,
const Data & data = Data() )

Insert cell aCell into CubicalComplex and assign to it the value data.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
dataany value.

Referenced by main(), SCENARIO(), SCENARIO(), and SCENARIO().

◆ insertCell() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insertCell ( Dimension d,
const Cell & aCell,
const Data & data = Data() )

Insert cell aCell into CubicalComplex and assign to it the value data. Faster than the other insertCell method.

dthe dimension of cell aCell.
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
dataany value.

◆ insertCells() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellConstIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insertCells ( CellConstIterator it,
CellConstIterator itE,
const Data & data = Data() )

Insert the cells within range [it,itE) into the CubicalComplex. The value associated to each cell is the default.

itan iterator pointing at the beginning of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
itEan iterator pointing after the end of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
dataany value.
Template Parameters
CellConstIteratorany model of a forward const iterator on Cell.

◆ insertCells() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename CellConstIterator >
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::insertCells ( Dimension d,
CellConstIterator it,
CellConstIterator itE,
const Data & data = Data() )

Insert the cells within range [it,itE) into the CubicalComplex. The value associated to each cell is the default.

dthe dimension of all cells in the range [it,itE).
itan iterator pointing at the beginning of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
itEan iterator pointing after the end of a range of (arbitrary) cells.
dataany value.
Template Parameters
CellConstIteratorany model of a forward const iterator on Cell.

◆ interior()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::interior ( ) const

Computes the (topological) interior to this complex.

the subcomplex of this composed of its interior cells.

Referenced by main().

◆ isCellBoundary()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::isCellBoundary ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell is not interior to the complex, which means that it has more co-faces in the Khalimsky space than in this complex.

◆ isCellInterior()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::isCellInterior ( const Cell & aCell) const
aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell is interior to the complex, which means that it has the same co-faces in the Khalimsky space as in this complex.

◆ isValid()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::isValid ( ) const

Checks the validity/consistency of the object.

'true' if the object is valid, 'false' otherwise.

◆ link()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::link ( const CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & S,
bool hintClosed = false,
bool hintOpen = false ) const

Returns the link of the cells in S within this complex, i.e. the closed star of S minus the stars of all faces of S.

Sany complex the cells of which belong to this complex.
hintClosedwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally around S) closed, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
hintOpenwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally around S) open, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the link of S within this complex as a cubical complex.

Referenced by main(), SCENARIO(), and SCENARIO().

◆ max_size()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::max_size ( ) const
the maximal number of cells in this complex (i.e., the number of cells of the Khalimsky space).

◆ nbCells()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::nbCells ( Dimension d) const
dthe dimension of cells.
the number of cells of dimension d in this complex.

◆ open() [1/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::open ( )

Open the whole complex (see also DGtal::operator*).

Referenced by DGtal::operator*().

◆ open() [2/2]

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::open ( Dimension k)

Open all cells of dimension less or or equal to k.

kany strictly positive integer.

◆ operator()()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
bool DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::operator() ( const Cell & aCell) const

Makes CubicalComplex a functor Cell -> boolean, which represents the characteristic cell function.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
'true' if and only if aCell belongs to this complex.

◆ operator=()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex & DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::operator= ( const CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & other)


otherthe object to copy.
a reference on 'this'.

◆ operator[]()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Data & DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::operator[] ( const Cell & aCell)

Access or change the data associated to aCell. Note that if aCell was not in this complex, then it is inserted.

aCellany cell valid in the Khalimsky space associated to the complex.
a reference on the data associated with aCell.

◆ selfDisplay()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::selfDisplay ( std::ostream & out) const

Writes/Displays the object on an output stream.

outthe output stream where the object is written.

◆ size()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
Size DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::size ( ) const
the total number of cells in this complex.

Referenced by SCENARIO().

◆ space()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
const KSpace & DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::space ( ) const
a reference to the Khalimsky space associated to this complex.

Referenced by DGtal::operator!=(), DGtal::operator<=(), DGtal::operator==(), and DGtal::operator>=().

◆ star()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
CubicalComplex DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::star ( const CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & S,
bool hintOpen = false ) const

Returns the star of the cells in S within this complex, i.e. the set of all cells of this complex that have any faces in S.

Sany complex the cells of which belong to this complex.
hintOpenwhen 'true', this hint tells that the complex is (locally around S) open, so this speeds up this method, otherwise, the complex may be arbitrary.
the star of S within this complex as a cubical complex.

Referenced by main().

◆ swap()

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
void DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::swap ( CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer > & other)

Swaps complex other with this. Note that complexes must live in the same space. If one complex is invalid then it is initialized with the space of the other.

othera complex living in the same space.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ DGtal::operator!=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator!= ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator&

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator& ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator&=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator&= ( CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator*

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator* ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & )

◆ DGtal::operator-

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator- ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator-=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator-= ( CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator<=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator<= ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator==

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator== ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator>=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
bool DGtal::operator>= ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator^

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator^ ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator^=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator^= ( CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator|

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator| ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator|=

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > & DGtal::operator|= ( CubicalComplex< K, C > & ,
const CubicalComplex< K, C > &  )

◆ DGtal::operator~

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
template<typename K , typename C >
CubicalComplex< K, C > DGtal::operator~ ( const CubicalComplex< K, C > & )

Field Documentation

◆ dimension

◆ myCells

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
std::vector<CellMap> DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::myCells

An array of map Cell -> Data that stores cells dimension per dimension (i.e. cells of dimension 0 are stored in myCells[0], cells of dimension 1 in myCells[1] and so on).

Definition at line 1301 of file CubicalComplex.h.

Referenced by DGtal::operator!=(), DGtal::operator&(), DGtal::operator&=(), DGtal::operator-(), DGtal::operator-(), DGtal::operator-=(), DGtal::operator-=(), DGtal::operator<=(), DGtal::operator==(), DGtal::operator>=(), DGtal::operator^(), DGtal::operator^=(), DGtal::operator|(), and DGtal::operator|=().

◆ myKSpace

template<typename TKSpace , typename TCellContainer = typename TKSpace::template CellMap< CubicalCellData >::Type>
const KSpace* DGtal::CubicalComplex< TKSpace, TCellContainer >::myKSpace

The Khalimsky space in which lives the cubical complex.

Definition at line 1296 of file CubicalComplex.h.

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