This example shows how to use the fully convex envelope to build a digital polyhedron from an arbitrary mesh. All faces have also the property that their points lies in the naive/standard plane defined by its vertices. It uses DigitalConvexity::relativeEnvelope for computations.
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include "DGtal/base/Common.h"
#include "DGtal/helpers/StdDefs.h"
#include "DGtal/geometry/volumes/DigitalConvexity.h"
template <typename Point>
for (
Dimension i = 0; i < Point::dimension; i++ )
p[ i ] = rand() % width;
template <typename Point>
X.resize( nb );
for ( int i = 0; i < nb; i++ )
template <typename ProjectedPoint, typename Point >
for (
Dimension i = 0; i < Point::dimension; i++ )
if ( i != a ) pp[ j++ ] = p[ i ];
template <typename ProjectedPoint, typename Point >
const std::vector< Point > & p,
Dimension a )
pp.resize( p.size() );
for ( auto i = 0; i < p.size(); i++ )
std::sort( pp.begin(), pp.end() );
auto last = std::unique( pp.begin(), pp.end() );
pp.erase( last, pp.end() );
template <typename Space>
typedef typename Space::Integer
typedef typename KSpace::Point
Point hi = Point::diagonal( width );
DConvexity dconv( lo, hi );
std::vector< Point > X;
int nb = Space::dimension + rand() % 7;
auto Y = C.extremaOfCells();
if ( ! ok1 )
warning() <<
"FC*(X) is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
if ( ! ok2 )
warning() <<
"Extr(Star(CvxH(X))) is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
for ( auto p : Y ) std::cout << " " << p;
bool ok3 = std::includes( Y.cbegin(), Y.cend(), E.cbegin(), E.cend() );
<< " #FC*(X)=" << E.size() << ( ok1 ? "/FC" : "/ERROR" )
<< " #Extr(Star(CvxH(X)))=" << Y.size()
<< ( ok2 ? "/FC" : "/ERROR" )
<< ( ok3 ? " FC*(X) subset Extr(Star(CvxH(X)))" : " Inclusion ERROR" )
<< std::endl;
return ok1 && ok2 && ok3;
template <typename Space>
typedef typename Space::Integer
typedef typename KSpace::Point
Point hi = Point::diagonal( width );
DConvexity dconv( lo, hi );
std::vector< Point > X, XpH, Y;
int nb = Space::dimension + rand() % 7;
std::sort( X.begin(), X.end() );
XpH = X;
for (
Dimension k = 0; k < Space::dimension; k++ )
if ( ! ok1 )
warning() <<
"FC*(X) is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
if ( ! ok2 )
warning() <<
"CvxH(X+H) cap Z^d is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
for ( auto p : Y ) std::cout << " " << p;
bool ok3 = std::includes( Y.cbegin(), Y.cend(), E.cbegin(), E.cend() );
<< " #CvxH(X+H) cap Z^d=" << Y.size()
<< ( ok2 ? "/FC" : "/ERROR" )
<< " #FC*(X)=" << E.size() << ( ok1 ? "/FC" : "/ERROR" )
<< ( ok3 ? " FC*(X) subset CvxH(X+H) cap Z^d"
: " FC*(X) not subset CvxH(X+H) cap Z^d" )
<< std::endl;
return ok1 && ok2;
template <typename Space>
typedef typename Space::Integer
typedef typename KSpace::Point
typedef typename ProjKSpace::Point ProjPoint;
typedef std::vector<ProjPoint> ProjPointRange;
Point hi = Point::diagonal( width );
DConvexity dconv( lo, hi );
std::vector< Point > X;
int n = Space::dimension + rand() % 7;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for (
Dimension a = 0; a < Space::dimension; a++ )
ProjDConvexity pdconv( plo,
phi );
std::vector< ProjPoint > PE;
bool ok = pdconv.isFullyConvex( PE );
if ( !ok )
warning() <<
"Projection is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
nb_ok += ok ? 1 : 0;
nb += 1;
std::cout << "#E=" << E.size() << " #Proj(E)=" << PE.size()
<< (ok ? "/FC" : "/ERROR" ) << std::endl;
return nb_ok == nb;
template <typename Point>
if ( X.empty() ) return;
for ( auto&& p : X ) { lo = lo.inf( p ); hi = hi.sup( p ); }
auto w = hi[ 0 ] - lo[ 0 ] + 1;
auto h = hi[ 1 ] - lo[ 1 ] + 1;
for ( int y = 0; y < h; y++ )
for ( int x = 0; x < w; x++ )
Point q( lo[ 0 ] + x, lo[ 1 ] + y );
std::cout << ( std::binary_search( X.cbegin(), X.cend(), q ) ? "*" : "." );
std::cout << std::endl;
template <typename Space>
typedef typename Space::Integer
typedef typename KSpace::Point
typedef typename ProjKSpace::Point ProjPoint;
typedef std::vector<ProjPoint> ProjPointRange;
Point hi = Point::diagonal( width );
DConvexity dconv( lo, hi );
std::vector< Point > X, Y;
int n = Space::dimension + rand() % 17;
bool proj_fc = true;
std::cout << "#X=" << Y.size()
<< " " << ( cvx ? "X C" : "X NC" )
<< "/" << ( fc ? "X FC" : "X NFC" );
for (
Dimension a = 0; a < Space::dimension; a++ )
ProjDConvexity pdconv( plo,
phi );
std::vector< ProjPoint > PE;
if ( Space::dimension == 3 )
std::cout << std::endl;
bool ok = pdconv.isFullyConvex( PE );
bool ok0 = pdconv.is0Convex( PE );
std::cout << "/" << a << ( ok0 ? ( ok ? "FC" : "NFC" ) : "NC" );
proj_fc = proj_fc && ok;
if ( fc && !ok )
warning() <<
"Projection is not fully convex !" << std::endl;
if ( fc != proj_fc )
<< "proj(X) " << ( proj_fc ? "FCvx" : "not FCvx" )
<< std::endl;
else std::cout << ( fc ? " => FC ok" : " => Not FC ok" ) << std::endl;
return fc == proj_fc;
int main(
int argc,
char* argv[] )
int NB_TEST1 = 5;
int NB_TEST2 = 5;
int NB_TEST3 = 5;
int NB_TEST4 = 25;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST1; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST1; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST1; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST2; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST2; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST3; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST3; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST3; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST4; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
unsigned int nb = 0;
unsigned int nb_ok = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < NB_TEST4; i++ )
nb += 1;
info() << nb_ok <<
"/" << nb <<
" OK tests" << std::endl;
return 0;
void makeRandomRange(std::vector< Point > &X, int nb, int width)
void projectRange(std::vector< ProjectedPoint > &pp, const std::vector< Point > &p, Dimension a)
bool checkSkelStarCvxHFullConvexity(int width)
void makeRandom(Point &p, int width)
bool checkProjectionFullConvexity(int width)
bool checkFullConvexityCharacterization(int width)
void project(ProjectedPoint &pp, const Point &p, Dimension a)
bool checkCvxHPlusHypercubeFullConvexity(int width)
void displayPointRange2D(const std::vector< Point > &X)
void getPoints(std::vector< Point > &pts) const
PointRange U(Dimension i, const PointRange &X) const
bool isFullyConvex(const PointRange &X, bool convex0=false) const
bool is0Convex(const PointRange &X) const
PointRange envelope(const PointRange &Z, EnvelopeAlgorithm algo=EnvelopeAlgorithm::DIRECT) const
LatticeSet StarCvxH(const PointRange &X, Dimension axis=dimension) const
LatticePolytope makePolytope(const PointRange &X, bool make_minkowski_summable=false) const
Aim: This class is a model of CCellularGridSpaceND. It represents the cubical grid as a cell complex,...
void beginBlock(const std::string &keyword="")
PolygonalCalculus< SH3::RealPoint, SH3::RealVector >::Vector phi(const Face f)
std::vector< Point > PointRange
Point::Coordinate Integer
DGtal is the top-level namespace which contains all DGtal functions and types.
DGtal::uint32_t Dimension