We are happy to announce the release 1.4.2 of DGtal. This is a minor release fixing some bugs and dependencies issues. This release may be the last one before a major release (2.0) with some breaking changes that would be available in 2025.

All edits and bugfixes are listed in the Changelog, and we would like to thank all devs involved in this release. In this short review, we would like to only focus on selected new features:

  • Geometry
    • Implementation of the plane-probing L-algorithm (Tristan Roussillon, #1744)

    • Upgrade of polyscope version in examples from 1.2.0 to 2.3.0 (David Coeurjolly, #1743)
    • Fixing cmake CGAL 6.0 breaking change. (David Coeurjolly, #1745)
    • Adding a new DGTAL_REMOVE_UNINSTALL cmake option to disable the uninstall target. (David Coeurjolly, #1746
    • Using the dcoeurjo/GeometryProcessing-cmake-recipes openmp recipe to detect openmp (David Coeurjolly, #1750)
  • BugFixes
    • Geometry
      • Bug fix in ArithmeticalDSSComputerOnSurfels (Tristan Roussillon, #1742)
    • Topology
      • Fixing images in the Cubical Complex documentation page (David Coeurjolly, #1748)

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